Pets are prone to dental problems. 


Your veterinarian usually inspects the mouth of your pet as part of the wellness program.  Inspection of the oral cavity is a must and any changes in color, odor, presence of inflammation, position of teeth are noted.  


Poor dental care predisposes our pets for future infection and I mean this can lead severe systemic infections in the body like in the heart, kidney and liver.  

Symptoms of pets having dental issues 
  1. halitosis (bad breath),
  2. presence of tooth decay,
  3. presence of facial swelling,
  4. bleeding gums,
  5. pain and difficulty chewing is observed
  6. growths observed around gum line and mouth  
Dental prophylaxis in pets require general anesthesia to be able to remove dental caries  in detail and easily without harming and stressing them. Intubation is recommended as well to prevent aspiration pneumonia. 

After Dental scaling, the yellow crusty layers removed. Post dental antibiotics are prescribed since the mouth by nature is full of bacteria.  For this dog, no infection was seen as the gum line is healthy

Cats are also affected by this dental problems albeit more severe.  Kittens are prone to such infection at an early age. Below is a kitten with severe gum infection affecting the gum line and hard palate.  Wound and the gums have to debrided.  Right lower molars are covered with decaying food material which "fuels" the infection. 

After Dental procedure as shown on the image below,  decaying food material removed, wound debrided to remove dead tissues.  Healing by second intention will occur and slowly cover the mandible and lower lip fold.  Continuous debridement will be the key.


Home care is important after dental procedures. 

Home care involves brushing or gently wiping pet's mouth with gauze will do, you can use dental diets and chew aids. Without proper care at home, gingival infections can return and cause more trouble.

Pet products should be used. Available pet dental products are in gel form or in liquid form that are safe to be ingested for pets. Pet products like Oxyfresh Water Additive  and  Virbac CET toothpaste can be used safely in pets.

 I have seen a lot of recurrent  mouth problems in cats and it can be a lifetime of dental care for some.  

Kindly spare 3-5 minutes of oral health sessions with  your pet and this will  definitely extend their life as well.  

Hope this post will help you regarding Pet dental care. 

Source: American Veterinary Medical Association, Pet Dental Care. Accessed 18 June 2020


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