A few pointers for current and future rabbit fur-parents. Rabbits are generally good house pets but one has to have an idea how to take care of them.  Read more information about them before taking them as pets.


  5 to 10 years.
  A lot of factors to consider, nutrition and husbandry plays an important role on the longevity of rabbits.  


Cuddly yet very fragile.

Handle with care.  Illustration below are taken from the source written below.  They are fragile animals so take extra precaution in carrying them. Nervous rabbits can be difficult to restrain. We usually restrain them by the "scruff". This also holds true with large breeds of rabbits.  Exercise caution in handling them.
Rabbits are never to be restrained thru their ears.   

Kids may need help and guidance when taking care of rabbits.

 Illustration below are taken from the source written below.  All credits go to them in teaching us how to properly restrain rabbits. 


Anorexia for 2 days has serious complications in rabbits.  This can cause decrease gastrointestinal movement and much worst, can cause gut stasis.  

Rabbits are "Herbivores" and they nibble food all the time.  Usually fed twice a day, at the early morning and evening.  Best to leave some food on their feeding areas so they can still nibble food during in-between hours.

We want to have our rabbits to have a balanced nutrition from hay, pellets, and veggies.
Avoid feeding damaged and mouldy foods to your pet rabbit.

Suggested feeding program.  Feeding amount also varies depending on breed of the rabbit.

Adult rabbit 
Twice a day feeding of hay
around 20 grams of rabbit pellets

Young and growing rabbits 
Free choice of hay
1 cup of veggies for 2 kg rabbit   ex. brocolli leaves, cilantro, green peppers, basil, romaine lettuce

Minimal amount of fruits, approx 15-20 grams- like apple, peach, melon, pears, pineapple.


Rabbits love to nibble so before having them as pets, consider the location they will be in.  You have to make sure it is pet-proofed, this means that your place will be safe for the rabbit whenever you are away.  You do not want your pet rabbit chewing on your appliances and getting hurt in the process.  Chewable toys such as cardboards, telephone directories and bird toys can be given to provide environmental stimulation to your pet rabbit.

Sanitation is always part of pet keeping.  

They do their poop continously  and urinate a lot that can stain even stainless steel.  Best to have them on a dry floor as much as possible to avoid foot infections.  You can train your rabbit to use litter box using paper-based litter. Practice makes perfect.

Due to the hot climate in Saudi Arabia, I do not recommend outdoor hutches, unless pet owners can supervise and provide them access to housing that lets them  escape the heat. They are prone to heat stroke.


If one has no plans to breed his/her pet rabbit, it is recommended to have them spayed for females (removal of the uterus and ovaries) and neutered for males (removal of the testicles).  It is best to have the procedure done when they are 6 months of age.

Are you ready to take care of baby rabbits? Average number of litter size is 4-12 bunnies.  

The procedure reduces unwanted hormone-related  behaviors like aggression for territory and urine-spraying. The procedure also prevents pyometra (pus in the uterus) for female rabbits. Click on the link for more details.

Common health problems we see in Rabbits

Skin problem.  

Any alopecia observed on our pet's skin should be observed. Crusty and very itchy lesions seen on your rabbits nose, feet and body can be caused by mites.  Usually skin testing is done to rule out external parasitism.

Scabies is a very common parasitic infection in crowded in a rabbitry.

Respiratory Infections

They can get nasty respiratory infections as well.  When you observe mucoid discharges on your rabbit's eyes and nasal passages, it is best to have them seen by your veterinarian.  

Gastro-intestinal problems

Gastro-intestinal stasis is a common problem of rabbits  that have prolonged anorexia. Inappetent rabbits should be brought to clinic for assessment.  This condition can lead to death if left untreated.
Worms and protozoan parasites also abound rabbits especially if poor management practices exist. Recommended to deworm your rabbits. Bloat is always an emergency that is very common in this animal.  A life threatening condition that must be addressed immediately.

Reproductive tract Infection

Pyometra is a life threatening condition that needs surgery.  Best to see your veterinarian regarding this condition.  Neuter your rabbits if you have no plans of having them bred.  This procedure will prolong the life of your pets..


Fragile animals that has to be restrained properly.  They have delicate bone structures.  Fractures are commonly observed on the spine, front and hindleg.  We emphasize "handle with care" to our clients.


Axelson, Rick. DVM.   https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/spaying-in-rabbits.  Accessed 01 August 2020

Anna Meredith and David Crossley. BSAVA Manual of Exotic Pets. 4th Edition


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