Author's Purpose about this electronic channel

Normally, your pet should be able to do their normal activities.  Their normal routines include play, eat, and sleep. One would know how much they play, or how much they eat especially if your cat or dog is with you for at least a month.  Being listless or lifeless is an indicator that something maybe bugging your fur companion.

This blog was written by the author to share his experience working in the field of small animal practice in Saudi Arabia. This electronic channel also lessens the usage of paper to be printed out for clients, so hopefully it helps save our planet in our own little way.

The blog aims to instill awareness and help identify symptoms that warrant medical attention.  This is meant to be a guide only and not serve as a diagnostic tool for your pets

Best to see your attending veterinarian regarding your pets' condition.

Your are free to read on. Share it. Write a Comment.  Thank you for your time 😊😊😊😊😊


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