Things to know about PET EMERGENCY especially during the wee hours of the night


Defined by Merriam-Webster as a

"combination of circumstances that calls for immediate action".

When you observe your pet to have one of the following symptoms.  It will be best to call your veterinary emergency hotline.  Instructions primarily a first aid treatment will be relayed to you to follow accordingly, while you drive your way to the veterinary clinic.

When you see a pool of blood coming out from your pet, it is already an emergency. Hemorrhage causes: Organ problems, present infection, or from trauma.  After applying pressure and bleeding still persists, it is best to see your veterinarian.  Profuse bleeding is considered an emergency.

Breathing issues
When your pet is already breathing from the mouth, restless, choking, sneezing continously. When you notice your pets' gums and tongue is turning blue. Considered as a true emergency.


This is self explanatory in Saudi Arabia.  Do not leave your pets inside your cars even for a minute.  Do not walk your pets during the heat of the summer.
Fever induced by infection and environmental climate can be a bad combination.

Vomiting and Diarrhea
Not just one time -- when your pet has multiple episodes.
Both symptoms in combination is dangerous and can lead to further weakening of your pet. If your pet has been retching and doing a lot of watery stool, it is best to have your pet checked.

Inability to pass urine or stool
For cats, the litter box is the best indicator for urinary and gastrointestinal health.  If your pet is crying and keeps ongoing many times to the box or any assigned areas without success then you have an emergency. 

Chocolates, Grapes, Paracetamol, Insecticides. rodent control.  All of the mentioned items are available at home and considered TOXIC to pets.  Avoid ingestion of these items at all cost. Make your home "pet-safe".  Once you saw your pet accidentally ingest a suspected poison best to visit your veterinarian.

Ocular injuries like when the eye pops out from the socket is considered an emergency. Broken bones, severe pain accompanied by lameness warrants a visit to your veterinarian

These are just some of the conditions that need medical attention. 
 Ask your veterinarian regarding their emergency services.  
This is one veterinary practice capability that you wish you never undertake, but nevertheless, best to know that their is an option that is available when the need arises. 

 Of course, please be reminded as all medical services, 
fees will be collected to address cost of care.  


13 Animal Emergencies that require veterinary care

Drobatz ,K.J. and Costello, M.F. 2010. Feline Emergency and Critical Care Medicine. Wiley-Blackwell.  John Wiley & Sons Publication


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